On Magoware management system is supported now also Wowza Token protection.
The token is available for both Live TV and VOD Streams.
- Token URL is: http://your_domain/apiv2/token/generatewowzatoken/aaa?path=contentpath
Example: http://your_domain/apiv2/token/generatewowzatoken/aaa?path=vod/sample.mp4
The three aaa are irrelevant, are just an example, those can be omitted also or replaced with channelname only (not path).
When the token is generated Wowza requires to have the content path, and it is mandatory from their side. So for each channel when you add the token on the management system you will need to replace the 'content path' part with the content path of the Live or VOD stream.
- Please replace the domain part on the URL with the one from your server.
- IP address is not used, must be omitted.
- The duration for token validation is 3 hours. At the moment the duration can be changed from the source code, and in the future will be able to change it from UI of the management system.