Installing Docker
Install docker compose:
Add docker files to the project
Edit the .Docker file, .dockerignore and docker-compose.yml based on the client information.
Manage Docker as a non-root user:
Execute on the magoware-backoffice the command: docker-compose up --build
Check if the portal is up and running on http://localhost or on a different port if it’s changed on docker. (i.e http://localhost:8080)
Update Assets URL to: http://localhost so you can access the local assets(files, images, etc)
Close the containers by running the command: CTRL + C or docker-compose down
To access the shell the run the command: docker exec -it <mycontainer> bash
If you want a fresh start for everything but be careful of data loss, run:
docker system prune -a
docker volume prune
docker network prune
Use the right version of docker and docker-compose for the yml file: